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Hörprobe: Jesus, Jesus Majesty (Link wird in neuem Tab geöffnet)
Come let us sing again (2022)
Come let us sing again
Somebody’s knocking at your door
You gave me life
Lord of the dance
Njoo kwetu
Meine Zeit steht in deinen Händen
How great Thou art
Jesus, Jesus Majesty
In the last days
Jesu ajali awa
This little light of mine
Give me your hand
The Irish blessing
Möge die Straße uns zusammenführen
Amen Masithi
Woza Nkosi
Hörprobe: Give me that ol’ time religion
Good news (2018)
Give me that ol’ time religion
Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen
Sometimes I feel like a motherless child
Swing low, sweet chariot
Good news, the chariot’s coming
Just a closer walk with Thee
I’m gonna walk and talk
I want to be ready
Joshua fit the battle of Jericho
Wade in the water
Down by the riverside
By and by
Do Lord, oh do remember me
Woza Nkosi
Shine on me
Michael row the boat ashore
Lord’s Prayer
Peace shall be with you
Hörprobe: Nkosi sikelel’ i Africa
Nkosi sikelel’ i Africa (2014)
Singa Yesu
Asante sana Yesu
Mungu ni mwema
Rakanaka Vangheri
Jesu ajali awa
Wa wa wa Emimimo
Na nzela na lola
Njoo kwetu
Oh freedom
Down by the riverside
Go down Moses
Siph’ amandla
Baba Mandela
Thula sizwe
Nkosi sikelel’ i Africa
Hörprobe: This little light of mine
Ukuthula (2013)
Siya hamb’
Venite adoremus
Let us break bread together
Lonesome Valley
Do Lord, oh do remember me
My Lord, what a mornin’
Oh freedom
Come on up to bright glory
Amazing grace
This little light of mine
I don’t know how to love him
Scarborough Fair
Anunciaremos tu reino, Señor
In the last days
Na oe
Kum ba yah, my Lord
All night, all day
Gehe ein in deinen Frieden
Hörprobe: Anunciaremos tu reino Señor
Siyahamba (2011)
Asante sana Yesu
Praise for the light
Na Nzela Na Lola
Die Frage dahinter
Anunciaremos tu reino, Señor
Dona nobis pacem
Njoo kwetu
Blinde Katharina
Kum ba yah, my Lord
Will the circle be unbroken
Deep river
Jisas Kraist
Let us talents and tongues employ
Mungu ni mwema
Na oe
Evening rise
Siya hamb’
Hörprobe: Oh Mary don’t you weep
He’s got the whole world in his hands (2009)
Sanna sannanina
Sing Halleluja
Oh Mary don’t you weep
Oh freedom
I shall not be moved
Somebody’s calling me
Be Thou my vision
He’s got the whole world in his hands
Jesu ajali awa
By and by
Sometimes I feel like a motherless child
Give me that ol’ time religion
Come and go
Soon and very soon
Scarborough Fair
Cert’nly Lord
I will follow him
The Irish blessing
Gehe ein in deinen Frieden
Amen Masithi
Hörprobe: In the last days
Da berühren sich Himmel und Erde (2006)
Standing in the need of prayer
Somebody’s knocking at your door
Meine Zeit steht in deinen Händen
A little more faith in Jesus
Michael row the boat ashore
I don’t know how to love him
Lord of the dance
Give thanks
Amen Masithi
All night, all day
Come on up to bright glory
In the last days
Sing and pray
I stood on the river of Jordan
We shall overcome
My Lord, what a mornin’
Da berühren sich Himmel und Erde
Venite adoremus
Möge die Straße uns zusammenführen