
Hör­pro­be: Jesus, Jesus Majes­ty (Link wird in neu­em Tab geöff­net)

Come let us sing again (2022)

Come let us sing again
Somebody’s kno­cking at your door
You gave me life
Lord of the dance
Njoo kwe­tu
Mei­ne Zeit steht in dei­nen Hän­den
How gre­at Thou art
Jesus, Jesus Majes­ty
In the last days
Jesu aja­li awa
This litt­le light of mine
Give me your hand
The Irish bles­sing
Möge die Stra­ße uns zusam­men­füh­ren
Amen Masi­thi
Woza Nko­si

Hör­pro­be: Give me that ol’ time reli­gi­on

Good news (2018)

Give me that ol’ time reli­gi­on
Nobo­dy knows the trou­ble I’ve seen
Some­ti­mes I feel like a mother­less child
Swing low, sweet cha­ri­ot
Good news, the chariot’s coming
Just a clo­ser walk with Thee
I’m gon­na walk and talk
I want to be rea­dy
Joshua fit the batt­le of Jeri­cho
Wade in the water
Down by the river­si­de
By and by
Do Lord, oh do remem­ber me
Woza Nko­si
Shi­ne on me
Micha­el row the boat ashore
Lord’s Pray­er
Peace shall be with you

Hör­pro­be: Nko­si sik­elel’ i Afri­ca

Nko­si sik­elel’ i Afri­ca (2014)

Sin­ga Yesu
Asan­te sana Yesu
Mun­gu ni mwe­ma
Raka­na­ka Vang­he­ri
Jesu aja­li awa
Wa wa wa Emim­i­mo
Na nzela na lola
Njoo kwe­tu
Oh free­dom
Down by the river­si­de
Go down Moses
Siph’ amandla
Baba Man­de­la
Thu­la siz­we
Nko­si sik­elel’ i Afri­ca

Hör­pro­be: This litt­le light of mine

Ukut­hu­la (2013)

Siya ham­b’
Veni­te ado­r­e­mus  
Let us break bread tog­e­ther
Lone­so­me Val­ley
Do Lord, oh do remem­ber me
My Lord, what a morn­in’
Oh free­dom
Come on up to bright glo­ry  
Ama­zing grace
This litt­le light of mine
I don’t know how to love him
Scar­bo­rough Fair
Anun­cia­re­mos tu rei­no, Señor  
In the last days
Na oe  
Kum ba yah, my Lord
All night, all day
Gehe ein in dei­nen Frie­den

Hör­pro­be: Anun­cia­re­mos tu rei­no Señor

Siya­ham­ba (2011)

Asan­te sana Yesu
Prai­se for the light
Na Nzela Na Lola
Die Fra­ge dahin­ter
Anun­cia­re­mos tu rei­no, Señor
Dona nobis pacem
Njoo  kwe­tu
Blin­de Katha­ri­na
Kum ba yah, my Lord
Will the cir­cle be unbro­ken
Deep river
Jisas Kraist
Let us talents and ton­gues employ
Mun­gu ni mwe­ma
Na oe
Evening rise
Siya hamb’

Hör­pro­be: Oh Mary don’t you weep

He’s got the who­le world in his hands (2009)

San­na sann­a­ni­na
Sing Hal­le­lu­ja
Oh Mary don’t you weep
Oh free­dom
I shall not be moved
Somebody’s cal­ling me
Be Thou my visi­on
He’s got the who­le world in his hands
Jesu aja­li awa
By and by
Some­ti­mes I feel like a mother­less child
Give me that ol’ time reli­gi­on
Come and go
Soon and very soon
Scar­bo­rough Fair
Cert’nly Lord
I will fol­low him
The Irish bles­sing
Gehe ein in dei­nen Frie­den
Amen Masi­thi

Hör­pro­be: In the last days

Da berüh­ren sich Him­mel und Erde (2006)

Stan­ding in the need of pray­er
Somebody’s kno­cking at your door
Mei­ne Zeit steht in dei­nen Hän­den
A litt­le more faith in Jesus
Micha­el row the boat ashore
I don’t know how to love him
Lord of the dance
Give thanks
Amen Masi­thi
All night, all day
Come on up to bright glo­ry
In the last days
Sing and pray
I stood on the river of Jor­dan
We shall over­co­me
My Lord, what a morn­in’
Da berüh­ren sich Him­mel und Erde
Veni­te ado­r­e­mus
Möge die Stra­ße uns zusam­men­füh­ren